Hi All!
It's ridiculously early (3:20 AM) here in Greenwich Mean Time. I am pecking away at this blog while my fiance Finn looks at pre-wedding honeymoon ideas. I will be leaving him just four days after the altar, and we don't think that we would be able to enjoy our trip with the packing and planning looming over us like the shadows of circling vultures in the desert of an old Western movie (although where that analogy come from considering the fact that I'm trapped in the longest British cold spell in THIRTY YEARS is beyond me...).
I have yet to finish going through all the pictures Finn and I have taken while we were in London, Salisbury, York, Hull, and et cetera, but they are on the to-do list. There are a couple-few posted on the other website, though.
Time for bed, sweeties! If all goes well, I will be in touch again before I go to Budapest.