
Superstition Survey

This is from December 2006, but I still think like this.

*Do you pick up lucky pennies?
It depends...not like I'd go raking through dog turds to get one...but if it's shiny, a wheatie, or conveniently located...it's mine.

*Do you knock on wood?
And my head if there's no wood around.

*Has anyone ever read your tarot?
Yup...mom and I sit down and do that every month or so. Sometimes I have it done, too...but that's been a while.

*Do you keep charms?
I don't like Lucky Charms...the marshmallows taste gross, and the cereal is too sweet.

*Do crystals have power?
They work in watches, why not anywhere else?

*Do you flip a lucky (in packs of cigarettes)?
I did for a while, but then I got lazy and then I quit smoking. Now I flip a lucky cupcake when I buy a dozen.

*Do you step on cracks?

*Do you own a magic eight ball?
No but I want one.

*Have you ever thrown salt over your shoulder?
Yup, but because that's the only time you can get away with doing that.

*Have you ever had your palm read?
Sure...in retrospect, it was HYSTERICAL! I think I blogged about it, but I will do a summary of the situation. I was on the way to work one day and I had a car accident. I was passing a tractor, which turned into my car, nudging me off the raod. My car went into a field where ( I was told by the EMT) it flipped over 3 or 4 times, and I was thrown out of the passenger window 50-75 feet. I lost my glasses and my shoes and my car was totalled, but I got up and walked out of the field, lumpy and bruised, but alive...very alive.That was a Thursday, and on Friday one of my friends decided to load me up in a wheelchair and take me to the fair (he just happened to have one...I had a leg brace on my left leg, and was told to take it easy, so he was being nice), where they happend to have a palm reader."Is my life going to get better?" I asked the dusky skinned woman with an accent so thick and unusual that to this day I believe she gained the accent by watching old Boris Karloff movies."You, my child, have great things in store. It's like zee MOON and zee STARSSS are looking out for you! "So of course I'm all like "YAYNESS" in my head, and I go about my merry little way.
The next day I went to see my mother at her boyfriend's house on Lake Camelot. The neighbors, a very pleasant couple who were weekenders, had brought up their son and his girlfriend, as well as some stumps they dug out of their yard in Milwaukee to burn, instead of paying someone to take them down south, and then buying firewood up north.My mom had to work the next day, and I was spending the night, so her man and I remained by the fire with the neighbors, bullshitting and drinking and having a good time. I heard someone say "Look out" but without my glasses, it wasn't really a set of directions, but more of a cryptic language which I had to squint to understand (I did have a set of loaner frames on my head, but they were far too weak for seeing detail...just peach shaped heads that bobbed and wove and made noise.), and I just couldn't squint enough.Unfortunately, they were talking to me.
A log, at least 4" taller than I am (5'8") had fallen out of the fire and the tippy top of it landed on my right foot (the left one still being in it's brace.)It took all three of the guys to pull the stump off my foot, at which point they asked me if I was burned, because it was still on fire, after all.My foot swelled up to the size of a cantaloupe, turned the color of a concord grape, and was the source of much pointing and laughing by most of my friends and family. It also hurt like someone hit me in the heel with a twenty pound maul. I already knew that zee moon and zee starrrs were looking out for me. What I didn't know is that they were throwing trees at me.

*Are four-leaf clovers lucky?
Luckier than what? I think they're cute, but they're a really common genetic anomoly in the shamrock family.

*Do you perform any rituals for luck?

*Have you ever jinxed yourself by making an optimistic statement?
LOL! There's a saying that suits this perfectly:"If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans."I used to all the time...now I make backup plans.

*What's your opinion of western medicine?
I think that Western Medicine can give us great fake boobs and plenty of drugs, but seems designed to leave it's patients in the dark about the interconnectedness between the mind and body.

*Do you believe there is an absolute truth?
I believe that there is an absolute truth, and that it is so simple that we are given it as children, and we spend our entire lives trying to wrap our brains around it.Do unto others as you would have done unto you. Because that's the way life works.

*Do believe in a higher being (or higher beings)?

*Do you believe in God?
I believe in a Higher Source, given myriad names by multiple people (all of whom percieve Him/Her/It differently) which loves us infinately.

*If you view yourself positively will others?
Yup...but the real secret is that it doesn't matter what other people think of you. Conversely, once people notice that you don't care what they think, they will start kissing your ass. It's a weird little dichotomy.
"Fake it til you make it" fits in here nicely.

*Mulder or Scully?
I think that Skully would pulverize Mulder's in a toenail scratching fight. However, Mulder would beat the hell out of Skully in an armpit-hair weaving contest.

*Are you religious, or do you have a religious background?
Nope. I shun religion, as I believe that it makes us unwilling to question doctrine. I believe that you can't have faith unless you are willing to question every aspect of it, to search within yourself for truth, to better yourself on every level.

Also, some people think that if they show up at church once a week and "do their time", they are free to do whatever they want during the week. Flippin' lack-wits.

*Have you ever arranged a room using Feng Shui?
I seldom have rooms that are Feng-Shui compliant, and I don't have enough octagon mirrors. So yes. But unsuccessfully.

*Do you believe in Karma?

*Do you believe in evil?
I believe that bad things happen to us to teach us to be better people. Nothing shows us what we are made of like conflict. Evil exists, but as a whetstone to define our character and ultimately improve us, spiritually.

*Do you believe in transubstantiation?
I believe that all thigs are possible, why not this too?
Although, I should mention that I have recieved the sacrament, and it certainly didn't taste like skin.

*Have you ever said a prayer to St. Anthony?
I was told that I should, but I get better results when I ask my dad.

*Have you ever gone to confession?

*Can a person reach enlightenment?

*Has satanic imagery ever made you uneasy?
When I was young and didn't know any better.

*Do you record your dreams?

*Is there life after death?

*Do you pray?

*Do you believe in ghosts?

*Have you ever seen a ghost?

*Can you love someone at first sight?
I believe in lust at first sight, but not love. I believe in chemistry at first sight, undeniable attraction at first sight, but real love is more than how someone looks in their jeans or a pair of particularly soulful eyes.

*Do you believe in preordained meetings?
Yup...I don't believe in co-oincidence.

*Do you believe in soul mates?
Yup...but I don't believe that people have only one.

*Do you believe in ESP?

*Do you believe in Astral Projection?

*Have you ever had a prolific dream?
Do you mean "prophetic"? Because "prolific" means that you had a lot of them...and I don't know how that could make sense at all.

*Have you ever made a charm?
Nope..I ate them when I was a kid, though.

*Have you ever attempted to perform magic?
Nope...I don't have a silk scarf or a bunny rabbit.

*Have you ever taken hallucinogens?

*Have you ever performed magic successfully?

*Is there such a thing as sin?
Yup...but "sin" and "law" are usually two different things.

*Have you ever used a Ouija board?

*& believed no one was moving the planchette?

*Do you believe in past lives?

*Do you believe in reincarnation?

*Do you meditate?

*Do you believe in aliens?
Yup...it's a big universe, and it seems pretty dumb to think that we're the only ones.

*Have you ever had a paranormal experience?

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